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Is your vehicle or address not listed? Here's how to fix it
Is your vehicle or address not listed? Here's how to fix it
Updated over 9 months ago

Can't find your vehicle or address whilst getting a quote? Don't worry, we can still help.

We do our best to keep our site updated, but sometimes your information might not be there yet because other companies may have not updated it yet. If that happens, here's how to fix it.

If your vehicle isn't listed

  • Our tool uses data from the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency), so check that your car's details are correct with them first. You can do this here.

  • If your car is brand new, its details might not have reached our website yet. You can still get quotes by choosing the closest match, but contact the insurer before buying to update your car details on the policy.

  • You can also find your car by its make and model. Look for the option below where you usually enter your registration.

A screenshot of the car insurance questions where we ask you to enter your vehicle registration. The link where you can manually enter your vehicle details is highlighted in yellow,

If your address isn't listed

  • We don't have a way to add your address manually right now.

  • You can try getting a quote using a different address in the same postcode, but please be aware that you will need to contact your chosen insurer directly to ensure it is updated before you purchase. It's also worth noting that the quoted price is likely to change when your address is corrected.


Contact the insurer before buying to make sure your correct address is added and you're fully covered. Prices can change depending on your address.

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