Our mission is to help you find the best deals on your household bills. To bring you accurate quotes and offers, we may do a soft credit search on your behalf. Soft searches don’t affect your credit rating. Here’s the most common reasons why we might do a soft credit search:
Getting a quote for car insurance
If you ask us for a quote for car insurance, you may see several soft searches from insurers (or their underwriters) we work with. These searches are to check that the information you’ve given is correct, so they can give you an accurate price. No one else can see these searches, and they don't affect your credit rating.
Note: As part of our service, we run a yearly automated quote for you, to make it quick and simple the next time you need to pay for your car insurance. As these are just quotes, you'll see soft searches, but you will not be insured until you accept a quote.
Using our eligibility checker
If you used our eligibility checker to see if you're eligible for a loan or credit card, you may see a number of soft searches on your credit file. These are usually performed by the lender, but in some circumstances, you may see MoneySuperMarket mentioned specifically. . These searches are to check that the details you gave us are correct, to check that you are registered at the address you gave us, and to check your financial situation with other credit accounts you have, to help us calculate your eligibility percentage. Other lenders can’t see this type of search, and it won’t affect your credit rating.
Accessing your credit report through Credit Score
If you accessed your credit report through Credit Score, we would have carried out a soft credit search to get your information. You'll see these searches every time a copy of your credit file is requested, usually on a monthly basis. Other lenders can’t see this type of search, and it won’t affect your credit rating.
Soft credit searches relating to your use of MoneySuperMarket will not negatively impact your credit rating, but if you have any questions about why MoneySuperMarket has carried out a soft credit search on your file, please contact us . We're here to help and can give you more information about the specific product or service you applied for.